The indoor milk indicator

To help the milkman and the householder, the indoor milk indicator consists of large red numbers, about four inches high, which can be hung up inside a window, facing outwards, to indicate how many pints of milk to leave (with '0' meaning 'no milk today' and '?' meaning 'please call or see message').

'It can be seen by the milkman from his vehicle'

The advantages are: it avoids the vandalism and tampering that affect outdoor indicators; it suits the aged or infirm, who otherwise have to go outside in the cold, wet or dark; and it can be seen by the milkman from his vehicle before reaching your door.

'I invented the Hang-Up Milk Indicator,' writes Mr Smith, 'when I carried out a milk round and experienced the many problems faced by householders, particularly the aged and infirm.' He has a prototype kit and would like help putting it on the market.

A.J.Smith, 58 Eastwood Road, Bramley, Surrey, GU5 ODU.

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