Help for Pensioners from the Retired (HelPeR)

Hugh Stapleton

Adapted from a submission to the Institute.

Proposal: the formation of a nationwide professional aid source - HelPeR (standing for 'Help for Pensioners from the Retired').

Objective: to provide assistance to old-age pensioners, disabled persons, widows, the infirm and the destitute.

'Coordinate the services of retired qualified persons in a number of recognised professions, such as plumbers, electricians, engineers, carpenters'

Service: HelPeR would coordinate the services not merely of retired executives (as with the organisation REACH) but of retired qualified persons in a number of jobs, such as plumbers, electricians, engineers, carpenters, solicitors, builders, bankers, commercial accountants, etc.

System: HelPeR would provide for the carrying out of certain tasks for persons unable to pay for them, to be done by professionals. These jobs might include:

repairs to plumbing or domestic appliances; wiring a bedside lamp; fixing a shelf; repairing a door-bell; unblocking a drain; sweeping a chimney; cutting kindling; advising on income tax, benefits and allowances; making a will; planning requirements; the filling in of official forms; coping with finances, or dealing with insurance, rates or investments; writing letters, and caring for other relatives. (There are many other tasks that might apply locally.)

Operation: recruitment to HelPeR would be only from retired, qualified professional persons. No payment for services rendered would be accepted.

Any donations received would be pooled in a fund to purchase tools and necessary materials and no HelPeR volunteer would benefit financially in any way. Where a problem was beyond the scope of HelPeR, efforts would be made to obtain the best solution at the least possible cost.

Every pensioner would be issued with the address and telephone number of the HelPeR team in their area. These would also be supplied to Women's Institutes, old people's centres, Citizen's Advice Bureaux, church councils, etc.

Coordination of the HelPeR scheme would be by the County or District Council.

A set of regulations would be drawn up which would govern the actions of every participant in the HelPeR scheme - both the professional volunteers and the beneficiaries.

Funding: this should come initially from local councils to cover publicity, postage, printing, etc, the DSS and from individual contributions.

Hugh Stapleton, Glenbervie, Mary's Well, Illogan, Redruth, Cornwall TR16 4EG (tel 0209 842201 and 717111).

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