Dark Horse Venture for Over 60s

Mary Thomas

'The Dark Horse Venture was initiated when Mary Thomas, a retired teacher, walked into Age Concern's Liverpool office with her vision and an enormous amount of enthusiasm. She recruited the invaluable Miss Pearl Clark, whose experience with the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme was essential. Together they developed the scheme' - (from 'Third Age' newsletter).

The Dark Horse Venture for retired people is a totally new idea. It aims to provide new opportunities for individual self-discovery by offering an overall framework for the development of interests, enthusiasms and involvement in non-competitive activities.

All you have to do is to select an activity you have never tried before and become involved in it on a regular basis for just twelve months. Examples include: sharing skills with young people; qualifying in first aid, lifesaving, etc; fundraising; giving practical help of any kind; learning a musical instrument, lace making, quilting, marquetry, upholstery, writing; and getting out and about - rambling, orienteering, youth hostelling, travelling or dancing.

During this time you will be able to benefit from the guidance and advice of a person of your choice someone who has professional training or experience in the activity you have chosen.

To enter you simply purchase a Personal Journal which contains details of what you have to do and space in which to record your achievements. Dark Horse Venture Certificates will be awarded on the basis of progress and performance for each activity. There is no limit to the number of single subject certificates that you can enter and win. Those who have been awarded one certificate from each of the three activity categories can apply for the Gold Seal Certificate.

Everyone is a dark horse. This scheme is an antidote to loneliness and boredom.

Mary Thomas, The Dark Horse Venture, Unit D54, South West Brunswick Dock, Liverpool L3 4BD (tel 051 709 8999).

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