Grannycare shops

Margaret Chisman

Adapted from a submission to the Institute.

I suggest a new chain of shops called Vint Age, as a Granny-care version of Mothercare shops, which would become a focus and provide a real service to pensioners. The age market is growing and many a younger relative would be glad to shop with a specialised firm for presents for their older relatives. These shops could also provide refreshments in the afternoons in surroundings with no shiny plastic, Muzak or fruit machines.

I suggest also that a company be set up with a name such as Vint Age Toys, to research into and manufacture toys for older folk (which could be sold in the Vint Age shops). For instance, it should not be technologically impossible to produce a curled-up, natural-looking cat, powered by solar batteries, that would purr when stroked, move its claws and fit nicely in one's lap. Not all older folk are in a position to keep a pet, but they have been shown to benefit from stroking furry, responsive animals. Why not? Businessmen have clever executive toys and children invent their own if deprived.

Margaret Chisman, The Bungalow, near the Station, Tring, Herts, HP23 5QX (tel 044282 3281).

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