New Horizons Trust

Modelled on a Canadian government programme of the same name, New Horizons offers grants of up to L5,000 to groups who satisfy these conditions:

(a) There must be at least ten people in the group and half of them must be aged 60 or over;

'Involving about one third of the retired population'

(b) They must identify a new project which uses the skills and experience of group members to meet a community need.

'If the project sounds like fun, so much the better!' Over 200 projects have been given grants so far. The parent project in Canada, started in 1972, has funded more than 16,000 projects, involving about one third of the retired population of Canada.

UK projects given money to date include a Vietnamese Elderly Club in Cambridge; pre-retirement courses on local radio in York; a talking newspaper for the blind in West Yorkshire, with tapes of news from local papers; the creation of a ten mile Darwin's Walk around Lichfield, in memory of Erasmus Darwin who practised as a doctor there 200 years ago; an answercall telephone system in Redruth offering emergency help to those activating their pendant alarms; and a group of pensioners in Bollington converting an old church into an arts centre.

New Horizons Trust, Paramount House, 290-292 Brighton Road, South Croydon, CR2 6AG (tel 081 666 0201).

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