Computerised info resource network

Chris Garner

The proposal is for a national network of computerised information centres, called LOGOS. Each local database would contain: an amplified What's On for the area, comprehensive and up-to-the-minute; information on community affairs; a skills exchange; jobs; a yellow pages. It could be open to drop-in enquiries, telephone and postal enquiries, access by home computers, disk copy service, radio and TV link-ups, Ceefax, CB radio, video transcriptions and printed publications.

Each centre could be based on a postcode area. Thus the main centre for Bournemouth would be known as 'BH1', with satellite centres added as the network develops (BH2, BH3, etc). Ultimately the network could extend, through satellite connections, to major centres throughout the world.

Whereas information technology is used extensively for business and scientific purposes, little attention has been paid to its application to what might be termed 'social' issues. An important area is being overlooked, and this may help to explain why so many people feel apathy, if not antipathy, towards the new technology. They do not see how it relates to their needs. LOGOS could do this in a practical and positive manner.

Digested from a longer paper submitted by Chris Garner, Information and Communication Services, 216 Newhaven Road, Edinburgh EH6 4QE (tel 031 552 8360).

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