
Ann Weiser

Action Linkage have set up 'Many-to-Manys' postal discussion groups, described in the following extracts from a Whole Earth Review article by Action Linkage director Ann Weiser.

Discussion groups that meet by mail are a cheap, accessible means of group communication. They are computer conferences without the computer. We call them Many-to-Manys (M2Ms).

'Each person writes a letter about the same topic and sends it to the editor. The editor adds his or her own letter, photocopies the letters and sends a set to each member - a group conversation by mail'

The simple recipe goes like this: a M2M usually has from twenty to fifty members. One person is the Organising Editor. By a given deadline, each person writes a letter about the same topic and sends it to the editor. The editor adds his or her own letter and a cover page listing the members and setting the next deadline, photocopies the letters and sends a set to each member - so it becomes a continuing, participatory, interactive group conversation by mail.

Each person sends the editor a deposit, usually $5 a time, to be used for their own postage and copying costs. The editor keeps track of the money and lets the participants know when they need to send more. Depending on the number of people who write each time, and how cheaply the editor can get copying done where he or she lives, M2Ms can range in cost from 50c to $1-50 per person per issue - a lot cheaper than computer conferences.

This format, unlike the 'One to Many' communication of a newsletter allows 'Many-to-Many' communication, hence the name. Altogether, Action Linkage has about fourteen M2Ms. People when they join can immediately talk with other people all over the country (and some in other countries) through M2Ms on topics ranging from 'designing a new civilisation' to 'libraries' and 'learning'. We even have a 'computer M2M', showing that computers and M2Ms can coexist peaceably. We also have 'The M2M on M2Ms', which discusses ways to improve the M2M form. There are lots of ideas for improving the ability of M2M groups to focus on tasks together, develop topics, and create consensus on issues. And we're just beginning.

M2Ms currently on offer are: career options, communication, community-regional, computers and society, cooperatives and community, designing a new civilisation, economics, general discussion, international linkage, knowledge systems on computer, libraries, learning, meaningful contact with other groups, mind and consciousness, peace studies and spirituality.

- Action Linkage, 5825 Telegraph Avenue #45, Oakland, CA 94609 (tel 415 654 4819). Action Linkage membership costs $50 (plus $10 for airmail) - 'You may choose your own discount on memberships if money is a primary problem.'
- Whole Earth Review, 27 Gate Five Road, Sausalito, CA 94965, USA (tel 415 332 1716). Subs. $32.

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