Stress Addiction

Branko Bokun

Extracted from a summary of a book by Branko Bokun, 'Stress Addiction - A new theory on evolution' (published by Vita Books, 1989, L6). Bokun is also the author of 'Humour Therapy' (see next item for this).

We are slowly becoming a species of stress addicts. Stress helps the secretion of our brain's opiates, drugging us often to the point of excitement or euphoria. Our obsession with individuality and individual freedom, accompanied by loneliness, is nothing but a major source of stress-related brain opiates.

Our evolution seems to provide a constant increase in the complexity of our minds. If the increase in complexity carries an increase in instability and vulnerability, as it appears to do, then the evolution of the human mind can only increase its precariousness and its insanity. Evidence of this trend can be seen in the constant increase in restlessness and agitation, crime and cruelty, drug addiction, individual indifference and selfishness.

Adapted short extracts from the book follow, to give a taste of its unusual perspectives, which are interesting theories, even where not backed by solid factual evidence:

- Each existence craves for the lesser instability of the previous existence. The general feeling of everything in the universe is that of nostalgia, of a desire to return to the lost paradise of the previous existence. The basic drive of the universe is the drive towards a lesser instability.

'The basic drive of the universe is the drive towards a lesser instability'

- If the first molecule of living matter had been able to express itself in human terms, it would have stressed that it was in an agitated state, that life was fear. In biblical terms, it could be said: 'At the beginning there was fear, and fear begat life.'
- Presumably the fittest are those who are successful in life. In order to be successful, one needs more energy, more aggressiveness, more competitiveness, more ruthlessness and more callousness. This can only be provided by an above-average instability and vulnerability. In fact, evolution seems to produce ever increasing complexities which implies ever increasing instability and vulnerability.
- My theory is that a new species mainly evolves from the more unstable group of individuals of the species.

'Pygmies grow at a lesser rate than other human groups. I think that this is probably due to the fact that pygmies are the happiest people in the world'

- In prepubertal growth there is no significant difference between pygmies and their non-pygmy neighbours. It is during their adolescence that pygmies grow at a lesser rate than other human groups. I think that this is probably due to the fact that pygmies are the happiest people in the world. They spend their adolescent and adult lives playing, dancing and giggling in a happy environment.
- Being more lonely and more role performing, individuals belonging to the middle classes are more susceptible to senile dementia than individuals belonging to working classes.

'When our limbic brain's efficiency is thrown by stress opiates, our mental activity and behaviour become dominated by our oldest brain, the brain we inherited from our reptilian ancestors. The main characteristics are instant gratification, cruelty and extreme selfishness'

- When our limbic brain's efficiency is thrown by stress opiates, our mental activity and behaviour become dominated by our oldest brain, the brain we inherited from our reptilian ancestors. The main characteristics are impulsiveness, automatism, instant gratification, violence, cruelty, nastiness, deviousness, extreme selfishness and self-centredness, here and now reasoning and unscrupulous self-preservation.

'Humanity risks new epidemics due to the progressive increase in stress-induced immuno-deficiency'

- Lessons on anxiety and stress should be introduced in schools and universities and on the shop floors of factories. These courses should explain that humanity risks new epidemics due to the progressive increase in stress-induced immuno-deficiency; and that it is only through humbleness that we can reduce stress addiction, because humbleness reduces pretentiousness. This is the only way to slow down the evolution of humanity towards mental insanity.

Branko Bokun, Vita Books, 26 Chelsea Square, London SW3 6LF (tel 071 352 6919).

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