Humour Therapy

Branko Bokun (see also above item) advocates the need for humour therapy in 'cancer, psychosomatic diseases, mental disorders, crime, interpersonal and sexual relationships.'

'The brain is also a gland, and that its glandular activity can be manipulated by thoughts or ideas created by the brain's mental activity'

Bokun argues in his book 'Humour Therapy' (published by Vita Books) that the brain is also a gland, and that its glandular activity can be manipulated by thoughts or ideas created by the brain's mental activity. The author blames the mentality of the adolescent male that pervades our society for resulting in high emotional arousal, 'inquietude, uncertainty and the fears of isolated and lonely individuals.'

Humour therapy helps us to realise that both unhappiness and gloom are infectious. 'That is why the pursuit of personal happiness only acquires a realistic meaning if it becomes the pursuit of other people's happiness.'

Bokun proposes humour courses, to help restore our inborn disposition towards playfulness, joy of living, curiosity, exploration and flexibility. His suggestions include:

- Develop a sense of self-ridicule, for instance by talking to oneself in the mirror;
- See amusing and happy films and plays, and read humorous books and magazines;
- Dedicate a corner of one's home to toys, as the mere sight and feel of them lessen tension. Hang pictures of children and animals on the walls rather than staid or gloomy ancestors;
- Find a hobby, but change it the moment it is taken over-seriously. Preferably choose a hobby that cannot go against nature's harmonies, such as sailing or gardening;
- Have a pet and talk to it;
- See life through a haze of analogies to memorised jokes and anecdotes;
- Repeat three times every morning 'I am not the centre of the universe';
- Remember the eleventh commandment 'thou shalt not take thyself too seriously.'

Branko Bokun, Vita Books, 26 Chelsea Square, London SW3 6LF (tel 071 352 6919). The Humour Therapy book (221 pages) is available from this address by mail order for L5 incl. p&p.

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