The Neal's Yard Agency for Personal Development

Extracted from a press release for one the most recent additions to the alternative businesses in Neal's Yard, Covent Garden, started by Institute director Nicholas Saunders and his colleagues.

Everyone needs an agent. Even rich and famous novelists like Jeffrey Archer have agents to help them on their way. But everyone, not just writers, would benefit from an agent to help them develop their own personal untapped potential in life. So far there have been literary agencies, job agencies, marriage agencies, travel agencies, all sorts of specific agencies - but now, for the first time, an agency for the development of the whole person, situated in that mecca for alternative lifestyles: Neal's Yard.

'Everyone, not just writers, would benefit from an agent to help them develop their own personal untapped potential in life'

The Agency opened in 1991, run by psychotherapist and self-defence teacher Ulrike Speyer, adventure holiday specialist Mike Carnill and by Nicholas Saunders, the founder of the 'Alternative London' guides and the man who started most of the businesses in Neal's Yard.

'A whole person is a group of sub-personalities, most of which often get very little chance for exercise'

So, do you want to remodel your whole life? Or do you just want some fine tuning? The Agency can help. A whole person is a group of sub-personalities, most of which often get very little chance for exercise and development, lost in the routine habits of life. The Agency can help you select a set of courses that draw out this unused potential.

The Neal's Yard Agency for Personal Development can start you off, if you wish, with an in-depth consultation, a kind of personal audit, where you look at the way your life has been, is now and could be in the future. The consultant helps you with this audit and helps you select the first steps on the paths you would like to explore - whether workshops, courses, activities, therapies or whatever it may be.

For instance, at present people often jump impulsively into unsuitable personal therapies that can last for years and cost them thousands of pounds, without first consulting someone who knows the range of therapies available, and what might suit that particular person.

Or you may be dissatisfied with the way your life is going and want help in exploring your purpose in life; or you may want a complete change or new adventures.

'The Agency acts without charge to the client to provide leaflets and other information on a huge variety of courses a alternative possibilities on offer'

For those that don't feel they need an in-depth consultation, the Agency simply acts without charge to the client to provide leaflets and other information on a huge variety of courses and alternative possibilities on offer. So whether you want two weeks of sand, sea, nude bathing and mild therapy on a Mediterranean island; a Rebirthing course in Spain; a five week opportunity to live and learn alongside famous alternative gurus and teachers in Devon; or evenings of shamanistic rituals and dancing in London - then this Agency has the details. There are hundreds of such courses on offer, with the information now gathered together in one place, enabling you to redesign your life with your own tailor-made course of study, workshops and activities; and to fulfil your untapped potential - physical, emotional, spiritual, political and creative.

The Neal's Yard Agency for Personal Development, 14 Neal's Yard, London WC2H 9DP (tel 071 379 0141; fax 071 379 0135).

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