Thirteen weeks extra paid holiday a year

Cairns Campbell

The idea is that four people should share the work at present done by three. Each person would thus work for three weeks, followed by one week's leisure. This would enormously increase employment: but it would require wages, if left unsubsidised, to be reduced by 25%. However, each unemployed person costs the government at least L8,000 a year, therefore the government would tend to save enough to make up the wages of four people by 25%. Schemes for all lower paid workers, who make up the bulk of the unemployed, could thus be financed at no cost to the government.

The increase in paid holidays would provide the strongest incentive for employees to initiate action. Employers too would have little to lose and might benefit from fresher labour.

'The idea is that four people should share the work at present done by three. Each person would thus work for three weeks, followed by one week's leisure'

Other advantages include: there would be scope for higher paid workers to take a little less money (95% of their previous salary) for a lot more leisure; there would be a more equal society, for leisure is only of value when combined with work; leisure activities would evolve; there would be opportunities for voluntary service; and young people would benefit.

A pilot scheme in one area such as nursing (with its shift patterns and heavy work loads) might be a good way to begin.

Cairns Campbell, the Rowen Consultancy, 12 Stonefield Crescent, Thornly Park, Paisley, PA2 7RU (tel 041 884 5901).

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