Compound National Insurance on overtime

Mark Goyder

A very simple innovation would be for the Chancellor to introduce compound national insurance on all overtime hours worked. No employer would be forced to stop using overtime, but all employers would be forced to think hard about it, and I am sure as a result that we would see a reduction in overtime working. Alongside this, steps need to be taken to open up and make easier the possibilities of part-time work to replace overtime.

'A very simple innovation would be for the Chancellor to introduce compound national insurance on all overtime hours worked. No employer would be forced to stop using overtime, but all employers would be forced to think hard about it'

I am horrified at the extent to which we are two nations when it comes to paid work. Some of us have too much of it, and some of us have none at all. Mechanisms can and must be found to make it possible for paid work to be better shared.

Mark Goyder, The Clearing, High Street, Hawkhurst, Kent TN18 4AQ (tel 0580 753485).

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