Compulsory sabbaticals

Margot Kogut

If, say, there is a 10% level of unemployment, this can be absorbed, in theory at least, by a 1-in-10-years compulsory 'sabbatical' leave.

Such a sabbatical is relatively easily envisaged for professions such as teachers, civil servants and even office workers, as well as manual workers, especially on automated production lines - any situation where work is not too specialised, and where different individuals can stand in for each other.

'A 10% level of unemployment, this can be absorbed, in theory at least, by a 1-in-10-years compulsory 'sabbatical' leave'

The financial aspect would have to include receipt of the dole - which would not involve increased expenditure on the social services account - but also provision for additional income from a savings scheme contributed to by employer and employee as part of their normal working conditions; enough to allow them on sabbatical about half their salary, and no restrictions on earnings outside their usual employment (such as private coaching for teachers).

The idea is based on the observation that to be free of the usual routine for a period of months, or even a year, is quite a blessing if financially it is not catastrophic and can be foreseen and prepared for.

'To be free of the usual routine for a period of months, or even a year, is quite a blessing if financially it is not catastrophic and can be foreseen and prepared for'

In so far as the unemployment of recent years is due to technological advances and to 'automation' in all its guises, the problem is to avoid creating 'two nations' - a well-off population in work, and an impoverished section of the long-term unemployed. At least in some trades and professions, the available work must be shared.

Dr Margot Kogut, 19b Fitzjohn's Avenue, London NW3 5JY (tel 071 794 6278).

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