Journey to the East

Picture'Journey to the East' by Val Randle

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Words By: Alex Campbell/ Oceania

The East on the Medicine Wheel is the golden gateway to wisdom. Here is the power of the Sun, which creates a circle of light, chasing away the dark. Warming the soft earth reaching down to the seed of life. In partnership with it's brothers and sisters, the waters, the earth and the air the tender shoots of the plants and our souls burst into life.

Yes the East is the place of creativity, the spark of life, our passion. With our creativity we can turn the material into the spiritual. Whatever we do in life can be made special if we let the light of the sun in to our very core and nurture the seeds of our creativeness.

Look around at the work of art which has been created for us, be in awe of the smallest flower to the giant redwood trees. Here is the place of the trees as they reach up to the sun seeming to say alleluya for the blessed warmth.

All the flyers in the sky have their home in the east from the tiny wren, the king of the birds, to the great eagles who, from their great height, see all.The wren shows us that small is also beautiful and has its own power. The eagles symbolise, for us humans, the power to see beyond our small world , to see the greater story of the universe.They fly through the skies in the sacred form of a circle, their feathers symbolise the rays of the sun. From their great height they see that all things are inter-related and inter-dependent. That is how it is, the story of creation, from the first small spark of light which carried the consciousness of the stars to the complexity of our civilisation today.

Here to is the place to play, to allow our sacred humour, to dance and be joyful. Celebrate life in all its wonder. It is our place, the humans, to join in this co-creation with all the skills that we have, we cannot compete with the natural world, but we can do our best to walk in beauty in our daily lives.

As the sun sets over the horizon, it is time to dream and to pray for a better way of being, in relationship with each other and with all the worlds of Grandmother Earth. Give thanks to Grandfather Sun. Journey to the South (June Issue)

Journey to the West (July Issue)

Journey to the North (September Issue)

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