Journey to the North

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Picture 'Journey to The North' by: Val Randle

The North in the Native American Medicine Wheel is the place of the heart, the animals are here and they teach us how to live from a heart space. The place of Coatl, the great father,and the four legged creatures who know how to love without questions. The air we breathe and the winds that blow singing their messages to all who wish to hear. Hear the whispering love song as the leaves of the trees rustle and sigh. The wind keeps all things moving, bringing us great banks of woolly clouds, sometimes full of life giving rain. Can you imagine riding on a cloud with the wind in your hair and our blue green planet below you.

There is much wisdom in the North, it carries the logic, the mathematics and the science of the world, it is the place of knowledge, where we carry out our worldly tasks. Here we receive the gifts that help us in our daily lives. We learn how to walk a path of balance and harmony with all the worlds of Grandmother Earth learning to join our minds and our hearts in a union that will lead us to wisdom and inner peace.

The stars are in the North, those wondrous, mystical far away sparkling lights, the magic of a falling star, seeming to make our wishes come true. When you lay upon the earth and gaze towards the heavens there seem to be talking lines of light between them. Do they hear our dreams, our hopes, our sorrows? Who knows, I know they help to create dreams, take us out of the smallness of our daily lives and give us hope and beauty.

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