Starting in 1983 with the Bakersfield/Kern County and McMartin Preschool cases in California and continuing to the present day in Edenton NC and Wenatchee WA, there have been a series of high profile MVMO (Multiple Victim, Multiple Offender) panics at day schools, baby sitting services and church Sunday schools. All have involved allegations of sexual abuse; almost all have also included ritual abuse.

A key ingredient in all MVMO panics that we have studied is the method used to interview the children. Social workers and child psychologists typically used direct and repeated questioning in order to manipulate the child to disclose abuse. It is apparent that many of the events that they describe did not actually happen. Believing the children, the juries vote to convict. (1)

Are the Children Telling the Truth?

Yes. In court, they almost always testify accurately of events as they remember them to be. The problem is that the events that they remember may not have happened to them.

Many child psychiatrists, social workers and police who have been involved in the many MVMO abuse cases appear to accept the following belief system:

children very rarely lie about abuse, but they are often reluctant to disclose what has happened to them. Their memories are accurate, because memory works something like a VCR. The child accesses the correct "tape", "fast forwards" to the event in question, and is able to review the full details of the abuse. Sometimes the image is a bit snowy; sometimes the fine details are blurred, but the recollection is generally quite accurate. But because young people do not want to tell, they must be repeatedly questioned before the truth comes out. The interview will often involve suggestive questioning, prompting and manipulation by the therapist, based upon her past experience and reading. The child may be rewarded for "correct" answers and ridiculed for "incorrect" ones. Implanting of false memories is either impossible or very unlikely. Audio or video recordings of interviews are not needed. The therapist or investigator need only write down a description of the child's final disclosure, not the questioning process.
Memory researchers generally have contrary beliefs:
children very rarely lie when they spontaneously disclose abuse on their own. But if they are exposed to some investigation techniques, they often disclose stories of events that never happened. If the interviewer or parent asks the same question repeatedly, some children will conclude that they are not giving the "right" answer and will create a new story to satisfy the adult. Sometimes they can be induced to do so through a system of praise and rewards for correct answers and ridicule or penalty for wrong answers. Often, it is simply enough to ask direct questions. Once made, such disclosures can become implanted as memories in children's minds. Memory is quite inexact, and is easily overlaid with false recollections. The more the past is revisited, the more definite those overlaid memories become. The longer the investigation, and the more suggestive and direct techniques used, and the younger the child is, the more likely it is that children will describe events that never happened and that "false" memories will be implanted. These memories feel quite real to the child, who accepts them as valid recollections of real events in their past. Audio and video recordings of the interview(s) are of great importance, in order to assess whether memory implantation possibly happened.

MVMO trials are often war zones where expert witnesses representing both belief systems battle each other in front of the jury.

How Easy is it to Implant False Memories in Children?

Memory researchers who study children's memories are finding that ideas and memories can be easily implanted. (2) An increasing percentage of social workers and police are accepting this evidence. They still believe that children rarely lie when they disclose abuse on their own or in response to general questions, like: "What happened during that class">? But they realize that false memories of events that never happened can be easily created in children. Studies indicate that younger children are more liable to disclose false allegations of abuse than are older people. This may account for the large number of MVMO cases involving day care and baby-sitting facilities, and the few involving regular school or Sunday school students.

North American Research:

Drs. Ceci and Bruck (3) reviewed all available literature on children's suggestibility and memory. Their 1995 book includes excerpts covering 300 years of testimony, from the Salem Witch trials to the recent Little Rascal's day care case in Edenton NC. They concluded: Dr. Bruck and Ceci cite a number of interesting studies: Since a typical MVMO investigation might involve interviews of 100 children, one might conclude from the Saywitz study that on average 3 would disclose nonexistent vaginal abuse and 6 would disclose nonexistent anal abuse in response to a simple direct question. One direct question to each child would generate 9 false charges per 100 children!

New Zealand Research

Dr. Jane Rawls, a child psychologist from Hamilton New Zealand, conducted a study of 30 five-year-old children. (7) The goal of the study was to determine how accurately children describe events that they had experienced. Trevor, an adult male research assistant, played "dress-up" with each child separately. The adult and child put on or took off items such as hats or jewelry. The sessions were observed and videotaped. Sometimes, the child would be asked to keep a secret of an innocent event. No inappropriate touching was involved at any time. This was repeated for 4 sessions per child. Each child was then interviewed on multiple occasions.

Dr. Rawls was amazed and "unhappily surprised" at the results:

The scary part of this study is that under different circumstances, Trevor could easily have been prosecuted on the basis of 7 children's stories and given many lengthy sentences. This study is believed to be the first one of its type involving many dozens of children who were interviewed over long periods of time. It seems to show the dangers of repeated and suggestive questioning of children. It demonstrates how easy it is to obtain disclosures from children of sexual abuse events that never happened. It sheds doubt on the use of body diagrams and anatomically correct dolls. It seems to indicate the extreme unreliability of suggestive, closed, and persistent questioning. To our knowledge, this study has yet to be published. It is of extreme importance that the study be replicated by others so that an accurate appreciation of the accuracy of children's testimony can be understood.

Influence of Talk Shows

In early 1996, one episode of "Geraldo" dealt with the imprisonment of innocent adults due to children's false memories. Geraldo Rivera stated that in the 1980's he fell for the "Believe the Children" movement, and used his TV shows to promote it. He now knows how wrong he was, and regrets his actions, because he was wrong and helped fuel the national hysteria. He added "and that Repressed Memory Therapy is a bunch of crap too".

Indications that False Memories have been Implanted

One excellent indicator was reported by the Grand Jury (3) cited above:

"Of particular interest is the information the Jury received about the Little Rascals pre-school case in North Carolina. Eighty-five percent of the percent of the children received therapy with three therapists in the town; all of these children eventually reported satanic abuse. Fifteen percent of the children were treated by different therapists in a neighboring city; none of the children reported abuse of any kind after the same period of time in therapy."
(emphasis added).

It would appear that in this case, the memories of Satanic abuse were implanted by sincere therapists who believed in the reality of Satanic abuse. The out-of-town therapists, who had no such belief, found no such reports.

In other cases, children's memories can be shown to be probably false by studying their content. For example:

Indications that Large Scale Abuse Does Not Occur

Widespread child abuse at a day care center, church Sunday School or baby-sitting service does seem improbable. In order to maintain such an abusive environment, the staff would have to somehow handle the following problems:


Many adults have been convicted of sexual crimes against children on the basis of children's testimony, either unsupported or with totally unreliable medical "evidence". Unfortunately, there are still many professionals who reject (or have not learned of) the ease with which false memories can be implanted into children. Some still use closed, suggestive questions; some believe that the truth will eventually come out if one interviews the child long enough. Many children end up with memories of horrible abuse that never happened; they will be affected by these memories forever. Dozens of innocent adults are having their lives ruined. At most, they can hope to be found not-guilty. However, they will never be found innocent in the eyes of the public.

There are probably over 100 persons who have been imprisoned in North America for MVMO child sexual abuse crimes that they never committed. In fact, many of the crimes might have never happened! Some are having their convictions overturned and are being released from prison. But others continue to be convicted and sent to prison.

Further Descriptions of MVMO Cases

A list of almost two dozen MVMO cases is available.
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  1. 1991-92 San Diego County Grand Jury, Report #8 "CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE, ASSAULT, AND MOLEST ISSUES" (San Diego County, CA). See:
  2. Stephen J Ceci, "Cognitive and Social Factors in Children's Testimony, Master Lecture, American Psychological Assoc., Toronto, 1993-AUG-20
  3. SJ Ceci & M. Bruck, Jeopardy in the Courtroom: A Scientific Analysis of Children's Testimony, American Psychological Association (1995)
  4. Ibid., P. 170-171
  5. Ibid., P. 172-173
  6. Ibid., P. 178
  7. Alan Samson, "Five-year-olds and the Truth", The Dominion, Wellington, New Zealand, 1996-MAY-28, P. 9.
  8. John Earl, "The Dark Truth About the 'Dark Tunnels of McMartin'", Issues in Child Abuse Accusations, Vol. 7, #2, 1995 Spring, P. Institute for Psychological Therapies, 13200 Cannon City Blvd., Northfield, MN 55057. An expose on the McMartin day care centre underground tunnel myth. $15 USF; $20 USF (foreign).
  9. Paul & Shirley Eberle, "The Abuse of Innocence : The McMartin Preschool Trial", Prometheus Books (1993). ISBN: 0879758090. The authors attended the court sessions lasting over many years, and concluded that there was no case against the accused.
  10. Hans Sebald, "Witch-Children, Prometheus Books, Amherst NY, (1995) ISBN 0-87975-965-8. The book compares the role of childrens' testimony during the Witchhunts of the Renaissance with their role in child abuse cases today.


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