Robert "Bob" Kelly, Kathryn Wilson, Elizabeth "Betsy" Kelly and Willard Privott in Edenton, NC, were charged with engaging in various sexual activities with children in the Kellys' day care in 1989. Mr. Kelly was convicted on 99 counts of sexual abuse and given 12 consecutive life sentences. Ms. Wilson was charged with 5 offenses and was given life in prison. Faced with the probability that she would be found guilty and face decades in jail, Ms. Kelly pleaded "no contest" to 30 charges involving 16 children and was given a 7 year prison term. Mr. Privott had been kept in prison for many months without being able to raise bail. He pleaded "no contest" to over 30 charges (some sources say 37) and was released with time served. 90 children accused a total of 20 adults of abuse, including the sheriff and mayor. Allegations included a baby killed with a hand gun, being hung upside down from a tree and being set on fire. Nobody in town reported a baby missing. A number of other adults have been charged but not tried. Charges were never laid against the mayor or sheriff. Various appeals are being made at this time.

These charges relate to the Little Rascal's Day Care in Edenton. It is perhaps the second most famous day care ritual abuse case in North America (after the McMartin Preschool in CA. The PBS program Frontline produced a powerful documentary episode on this case, called Innocence Lost. (1) It showed that the various ingredients of a typical MVMO abuse case are present in Edenton:

Some of the children's disclosures included:

During the winter of 1988-1989, Edenton police attended a Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) seminar. The first allegation of abuse followed shortly afterwards. One theory is that the first mention of abuse followed the slapping of a child at the day care; another story has the first allegation following intensive questioning of a child by his mother under the guidance of a SRA attendee.

As in other MVMO cases, the children initially denied abuse at the school. However, after repeated interrogations, they started to reveal sexual and then ritual abuse. Children were criticized or rewarded in accordance with the abuse content of their stories.

We will not describe the various proofs that ritual and sexual abuse did not happen in Edenton. For more information, see a WWW page by Dr. Jonathan G. Harris (2).

"Little Rascal's" is a most important case, because it demonstrates how the "pro-abuse" mind set of the interviewers can be transmitted to the children and persuade them to disclose events that never happened. A San Diego grand jury which investigated child abuse said (3):

"Of particular interest is the information the Jury received about the Little Rascals pre-school case in North Carolina. Eighty-five percent of the percent of the children received therapy with three therapists in the town; all of these children eventually reported satanic abuse. Fifteen percent of the children were treated by different therapists in a neighboring city; none of the children reported abuse of any kind after the same period of time in therapy."
(emphasis added).

It would appear that in this case, the memories of Satanic abuse were accidentally implanted by sincere Edenton therapists who believed in the reality of Satanic abuse. The out-of-town therapists, who had no such belief, found no abuse at all: Satanic or otherwise. Again, we conclude that no ritual abuse occurred in Edenton.


  1. Frontline TV show, "Innocence Lost" (July 1993). Transcripts are available from Journal Graphics, 1-303-831-9000; a video tape is available from PBS video 1-800-424-7963) "SBFAQ (Should Be Frequently Asked Questions) about Little Rascals, the Ritual Sexual Abuse Hoax and its costs" was written by Dr. Jonathan G. Harris (2), a MIT Professor of chemical engineering. See:
  2. 1991-92 San Diego County Grand Jury, Report #8 "CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE, ASSAULT, AND MOLEST ISSUES" (San Diego County, CA). See:
  3. S.J. Ceci & M. Bruck, "Jeopardy in the Courtroom: A Scientific Analysis of Children's Testimony", American Psychological Association, Washington DC (1995)
  4. Debbie Nathan & Michael Snendeker, "Satan's Silence", BasicBooks, New York NY (1995),
  5. Mark Pendergrast, "Victims of Memory", 2nd Edition, Upper Access Books, Hinesburg VT (1996), P. 366
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