
  • "McMartin" was one of the first Multi-Victim Multi-Offender (MVMO) child abuse cases. At 6 years duration, it was the longest US criminal trial in history; at a cost to the state of $15 million, it was the most expensive. No convictions were obtained. It has become the most famous case of its type. More detailed information is available.

    The Children's Institute International (CII) counselling agency interviewed hundreds of children who had attended the McMartin preschool. First one, and then many of the kids disclosed being led down through trap-doors in the floor of the preschool and taken through underground tunnels. They described some tunnels as leading to a nearby building, where the children were loaded into a vehicle and taken to another location (sometimes via an airplane flight, train or hot air balloon to another city) and abused. Other tunnels allegedly led either to an underground chamber or above ground room where they described being subjects in pornographic photographs and being sexually abused.

    The existence of tunnels has been hotly debated since the mid 1980's. If there were tunnels in McMartin, then part of what the children said was true; the rest of their testimony would then be more credible. If no tunnels existed, except in fantasy, then the rest of the children's testimony may also be unreliable. To believe in the tunnels has become almost an required article of faith in some quarters. Unfortunately, we cannot return to the site. The McMartin building was leveled and replaced by another structure.

    The first suggestion of underground tunnels and secret rooms may have emerged in 1994-FEB during the interview of a former student by CII. He said " somehow I can't remember. I'm not sure about. Ah, there was a room I wasn't suppose to go in or something....I'm making this up. I'm not sure. Yeah, I can see it, I think." At the preliminary hearing, he testified how Ray Buckley and the other teachers took him to play "Naked Movie Star" (kiddie-porn) games every weekday. In reality, Ray was not at the school until after the boy had graduated. He recalled that the secret room was the size of a classroom was located to the east of the school building and was accessible by a trap door and tunnel.

    The Trap Doors

    The children talked about many trap-doors, and one hole in the floor. These led to rooms either directly or via tunnels. Various groups have committed a great deal of effort in searching for the tunnels. However, the search for the trap doors may well give us a better understanding of the McMartin mysteries. 11 children were interviewed by the DA's investigators. A summary of their trap-door disclosures, sorted by entry location, is: * These two disclosures were made by the same child and refer to the same underground room.

    The police investigators removed the floor tile in the areas where the trap doors were said to be located. None were ever found. It would have been a straightforward job to remove any trap doors, patch the concrete floor where the doors had been, and re-lay floor tiles. However, it is impossible to patch concrete without the edges being obvious to the eye. The outside playhouse had been mounted on a solid concrete slab. Police inspection of the concrete showed that "no trap door had ever been located there".

    Note that all of the trap doors, and other entry routes were described as being in different locations. No two children described the same spot. If there had been tunnel entrances at McMartin, one would expect that a child would have remembered where it was located.


    11 children described the locations of 13 entry doors. Yet the police were unable to find any trap doors or any remains of filled-in trap doors when they thoroughly inspected the building and playhouse. The obvious conclusion is that these are non-existent, fantasy trap-doors. The children simply made up stories in response to the interviewers' repeated direct questions. Recent studies in the US and New Zealand have indicated how easy it is to pressure children to fantasize if questions are not properly asked. Simply repeating the question is often enough to get an invalid answer. The child initially answers correctly, but soon recognizes that they are not giving the investigator the "right" answer; and so they make up another answer to satisfy the adult.

    Other components of the children's testimony were clearly fantasy. For example, child molesters would hardly transport children to an abuse location by a hot air balloon, which is at the mercy of air currents. Even if by some miracle the balloon landed at the right location, the probability is extremely low that the winds would reverse direction in order to push the balloon back to the starting point. No child abuser with even a small amount of common sense would use a balloon to transport victims. We would assume that the trap-doors are like the balloons; they also exist only in fantasy.

    We predict that investigators could select a few hundred children in any locality in North America; interview them about their preschool experiences, using the same manipulative, suggestive methods as were used by the CII; and find a dozen children who would describe trap-doors, tunnels and underground rooms. This study could be designed without references to sexual abuse and thus could be conducted without any possibility of harming the children.

    The Tunnels


    The "tunnels" and "room" that Dr. Stickel found were probably remnants of old trash dumps that were dug and filled many years before the Preschool building was constructed.

    The Secret Rooms

    Prior to the parents' excavation in 1985-MAR, none of the children disclosed memories of a secret room under the school building itself; all were in the vacant lot to the west of the preschool. Shortly after the parents' backhoe excavations turned up nothing, some children started to remember rooms under the school building.


    The parents were probably disappointed that no tunnels were found where the children said they were. They probably sought other answers from the children, and easily persuaded them to reveal alternate, fictional locations underneath the building.

    The Real Tunnels

    Although no underground tunnels existed at McMartin, another type were present. The children referred to them as "tunnels". They were open-ended, brightly colored, plywood boxes about 16" wide, 24" tall and 24" deep. The children arranged them in various combinations on the floor like dominoes and crawled through them. These real tunnels were probably the root cause of the belief in the mythical underground tunnels.


    1. John Earl, "The Dark Truth About the 'Dark Tunnels of McMartin'", Issues in Child Abuse Accusations, Vol. 7, #2, 1995 Spring, P. Institute for Psychological Therapies, 13200 Cannon City Blvd., Northfield, MN 55057. An expose on the McMartin day care centre underground tunnel myth. $15 USF; $20 USF (foreign).
    2. Ellen Bass & Laura Davis, "The Courage to Heal, Third Edition, Harper Collins, New York NY, (1994). P. 520-1. Cites Dr. Sticley as finding tunnels.
    3. Fukurai, et, "Sociologists in action: The McMartin sexual abuse case, litigation, justice, and mass hysteria..", Vol. 25, American Sociologist, 01-01-1994, P. 44. Contains an overview of the case and details of jury selection.
    4. Paul & Shirley Eberle, "The Abuse of Innocence : The McMartin Preschool Trial", Prometheus Books (1993). ISBN: 0879758090. The authors attended the court sessions lasting over many years, and concluded that there was no case against the accused.
    5. E.G. Stickel, "Archaeological Investigations of the McMartin Preschool Site, Manhattan Beach, California". Manhattan Tunnel Project (MTP), 1993. Introduction by R.C. Summitt. Paper is unpublished at this time.
    6. R.C. Summitt, "The Dark Tunnels of McMartin", The Journal of Psycohistory, 21 (4); 1994-Spring, P. 5 - 13

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