All the very best Acorn commercial games will be reviewed here on release. The clickable links below lead to full-length reviews, with screenshots and full ordering information. To present as objective a view as possible, our reviewing team consists of several members in addition to the regular maintainers. Software developers contact if you have a product you want reviewed or previewed.

Joystick Roundup - Joysticks from STD and ACE

Ankh - Point and click adventure
Abuse - Platformer from the PC
BloodLust - Latest from 4D's VFM range
Syndicate+ - R-Comp Interactive
Flying High - Compilation by GEK
Super Snail - The 4th Dimension
BHP - TBA Software
DOOM Trilogy - R-Comp Interactive
Exodus - Artex Software
Emotions - GEK productions
Silver Ball - 4th Dimension
Wizard Apprentice - Fantasia software
Old Reviews - reviews of some older Acorn titles
Arya - Skullsoft
Bubble Impact - Moving Pixels



THIS section of the site contains reviews of all of the best PD and shareware games for Acorn Risc os machines. All of the games reviewed may either be downloaded from here or via a link to another site.

If you have a game that you would like to be reviewed here or would like to write a review of a game yourself for inclusion on this page then please email the maintainer.

Alphabetical lists
A to H, I to P, Q to Z.

Full Index
Abuse ArcQuake Kryten98
Flood Goop Holocaust
MarsQuake Plig Pushy II
Spots SFE Swarm

old reviews