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Angband is a "graphical" dungeon adventure game using textual characters to represent the walls and floors of a dungeon and the inhabitants therein, in the vein of "rogue", "hack", "nethack", and "moria". There are extensive ascii "on line help" files in the "lib/help" directory.
Zip 2000 (Infocom game interpreter)
In the dim and distant past, when one could buy more than one type of computer, a certain company that wished to produce interactive fiction wanted to come up with a portable game file that could be played on any number of microcomputers. So they invented an imaginary computer called the Z-machine, which ran an imaginary language called Z-code. They then compiled their games for this machine, and effectively wrote a Z-machine emulator for each computer they wished to support.
This program is a Z-machine emulator for RISC OS. With it you can play any Infocom game and games (or programs - the Z-machine isn't limited to games) produced with Graham Nelson's Z-Code compiler "Inform".
Games to run on Zip 2000
Inform 6 is a new, and still in some ways experimental, version of the Inform adventure-game designing system. It is very much faster and better than the previous Inform 5.5, but has not been through the same degree of testing. Re-issues of Inform 6 will probably be made fairly regularly to mend bugs: as with all Inform material, the best place to get hold of these updated versions is at the German anonymous FTP site:


in the directory


Games created with Inform can be run on any Z-machine emulator, such as Zip 2000.
GTAC - Graphic Text Adventure Creator
The GTAC adventure development program is a new system that allows you create a complete playable adventure game without loosing the friendliness of the Acorn Desktop.
SimCity 2000 Pages

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