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Tweaking Windows 98


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Windows 98 Companion Introduction

Welcome to the Windows 98 ComapnionWelcome to the Windows 98 Companion CD from PC Plus. This CD has been written by the PC Plus team to introduce you to all the new features of Microsoft's Windows 98 operating system. In broad terms it covers the entire OS, but assumes that you have some understanding of using Windows 95 - it does not, for example, cover drag and drop, context (right mouse button) menus (as a concept) or tell you how to create Shortcuts! However, where useful, such as in the Accessories guide, we have covered everything that the Operating System now offers, so you will find a brief mention of Paint, for example. In these cases we have concentrated on the new additions, but given mention of the existing ones for the sake of completeness or for the non-Windows 95 users who are considering upgrading.

Get help now before it's too late!This CD has been written to be viewed in a browser (more specifically IE3, IE4 or Win98, for technical reasons - see Help), but because not everyone has a browser installed, there is a compiled version available. In order to use this SuperCD, especially if you have not used recent PC Plus SuperCDs, please refer to the Help guide before continuing so that you understand how to open programs, movies and other files that are included.

The full commercial version of Outlook 98Windows 98 represents an evolution of the 32-bit Windows 95 operating system. As an introduction we have included a brief history of Windows on this SuperCD, where we also reveal the plans already in hand for future enhancements to Windows 98. The rest of the SuperCD has two elements. The first is the Companion content which is the full tutorial consisting of text, pictures and movies. To make sure you know how to launch and view the movies, read the Help guide. The Help guide also explains what the different icons mean so you will understand the features better.

There's much more to this SuperCD, though, and the rest of the SuperCD is given over to relevant software. There are several full products and the official Windows 98 Tour (the latter from the Windows 98 CD) that PC Plus has obtained permission to give to its readers in advance of the Windows 98 launch on June 25th 1998. Make no mistake - there is no better guide and set of enhancements to the new OS than here.


This brief guide to the SuperCD with details of what it contains, the sections of the Companion, and links to all the software on the SuperCD


This is the guide to the front end of the operating system - the part used for housekeeping tasks, and covers invisible improvements (boot time, application loading) and visible ones as well as the main addition of the local disk and Internet browser (IE4.01).

Start menu

Fairly self explanatory, this section deals with the improvements made to the Start menu and taskbar. Covers the new QuickLinks bars.

Control Panel

Many of the Control Panel items from Windows 95 have been overhauled so even if you are a Windows 95 user, you should still check out this section which deals with all the Control Panel options.


The Accessories menu items are the bundled software programs that make up the OS. This section introduces all the new programs, including the System Information and Maintenance Wizard.


Since the release of Windows 95, a host of new technology, like DVD and Infrared devices, have arrived. This section gives you an overview of new hardware supported and hardware support that has been updated.

Tweaking Windows 98

Believe it or not, we're already here to help you get more out of the new OS. There are add-ons and improvements you can use to improve both Windows 95 and Windows 98.

Help Guide

This should be your first port of call. Skip this at your peril. If you have problems using this SuperCD, read this before calling Technical Support!

PC Plus WWW site

Your favourite PC magazine has branched out onto the Web. On-line you'll find extra reviews and over £1,000 of software available for free download. Requires modem, network or other Internet connection.

Full Software

This SuperCD contains a selection of full software that has been included to help you get the most out of your current operating system, and some to help you get more out of the new one. NOTE: Before clicking on any of these links, ensure that you have read the Help Guide that tells you how run or install programs.

The Official Microsoft Windows 98 Tour

Run the tour that comes with Windows 98 directly from the SuperCD and see how Microsoft itself introduces the new features of its operating system. (Runs under some combinations of Windows 95 and IE - see magazine CD pages for more details)

Microsoft's Outlook 98 is the brand new version of its Personal Information Manager package. The Outlook Express mail client that ships with Windows 98 is integrated into this expanded application. Worth £99*
WinCheckIt 4 is a full Windows tweaking utility that can be used today with Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 to help get more out of the system and locate and solve problem areas. As sold for £39.95*
Internet Explorer 4.01 - much of the visual interface enhancement of Windows 95 comes from this full browser suite you can install today on Windows 95/NT4
Windows 95 PowerToys - this suite of utilities remains as useful for Windows 98 users as it is under Windows 95
Internet Explorer 4 PowerToys - these tools add features to IE4 both under Windows 95 and Windows 98
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