Testing an RS-232 Port on a Comtrol Device


There are two tests you can use to check serial port connections for RS-232 ports. These tests are:




Use the following procedure to test an RS-232 serial port on a Comtrol device.


  1. Start Test Terminal and open one or more ports. (See Starting Test Terminal for more information.)

  2. Attach a loopback plug to the COM port that you want to test. To build loopback plugs, see the latest Hardware Installation documentation. See Hardware Installation Documentation for more information on the location of this document.

    This procedure only describes how to transmit test data on a single active port. If you intend to transmit test data on more than one port, you must attach a loopback plug to each COM port that you want to test and use the appropriate transmit test data buttons as described above.

  3. Make sure all connectors are seated firmly.

  4. Click the Loopback  button on the port window toolbar to turn off the Test Terminal loopback option. LPBK should not appear in the port window status bar. When you are testing a serial port, and LPBK is deactivated, any entries you make are passed through the serial port to the interface box or fanout cable.

    Some Comtrol products do not support internal loopback (for example, 1-port DeviceMaster).

  5. Select Port > Send and Receive Test Data (or click the Send Test Data  button on the port window toolbar to send test data to an individual port) to receive test data from an individual port. Sending & Receiving should appear in the port window status bar. This is a pass/fail test that checks all modem control signals.

  6. Note: If no characters appear, try putting the loopback plug on an adjacent port. It may be that you have the ports mixed up.

  7. To stop the test data stream, select Port > Send and Receive Test Data (or click the Send Test Data  and Receive Test Data  buttons) again. Ready should appear in the port window status bar.

  8. If further testing is required, select Port > Loopback Test. This option requires a loopback plug.

    You can only run this test on RS-232 ports. This test will fail if the port is configured for use as either RS-422 (or RS-485) because RS-422 (or RS-485) does not have the modem control signals that are present in RS-232 for which this test is designed. This test cannot be used on RocketModem products, as there is no loopback plug for the phone port on the modem.

  9. Click OK to dismiss the request to place the loopback plug on the port if the loopback plug is already attached. If the loopback plug is not attached connect it now and click OK to dismiss the dialog.

    If the loopback plug is in place and the port is working correctly the system should return the following message: Port passed the loopback test.

    A Loopback failed message appears under the following circumstances:

  10. If you get a Loopback failed message try the following:

  11. Click the OK button to dismiss the dialog box.

  12. If the port failed the loopback test in steps 7-9 and the product is equipped with an external interface box or fanout cable, click the Loopback  button on the port window toolbar to turn on the internal loopback feature. LPBK appears in the port window status bar. When LPBK is activated, commands are looped through the serial port hardware and never make it to the interface box or fanout cable.

  13. Repeat steps 7-9. If the port now passes the tests, the fault may lie in the interface box or fanout cable. Contact Comtrol Technical Support for assistance.

  14. If you are finished testing ports, close the Test Terminal and restart the applications.

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