Starting Test Terminal


Stop all applications that may be accessing the ports (for example, Remote Access Server (RAS), RRAS or any faxing or production software) before you start using Test Terminal. Test Terminal will be unable to open any port already in use by another application.

See the appropriate manuals for instructions on stopping these services or applications. Test Terminal cannot open a port when another application is controlling the port. When Test Terminal tries to open a port controlled by another application an error message appears.

Remember to restart applications once you have completed your testing.


The following procedure describes how to start Test Terminal (WCom2) and open one or more ports.


  1. Select Start > Programs > Comtrol > PortVision to open PortVision and select Tools > Test Terminal (WCom2) from the PortVision window.


    You may also use the following methods to start the Test Terminal:

  3. Select File > Open Port or click the Open Port  icon in the toolbar. The Open Ports dialog appears.

  4. Select the ports that you want to open from the Select Ports list or specify a range of ports to open in the Select Range field (for example, 3-15,21,45,51-56,74).

  5. If desired, click the Settings button in the Open Ports dialog to configure standard COM port properties (for example, Baud Rate, Data Bits, Parity, Stop Bits, or Flow Control) before opening the port. The Port Settings dialog appears.

  6. Configure the standard COM port properties as desired. (For more information on the standard COM port properties, see Port Settings Dialog.)

  7. Click the OK button to save your changes and dismiss the Port Settings dialog. These settings will remain intact for as long as the application remains open.

  8. Click the OK button to save your changes and dismiss the Open Ports dialog.  

    If the COM port does not exist or it is currently being used by another program, the following message appears: WCom2 Can't open the port!

    If the COM port is available, the Port (COM#) window appears. The port window automatically displays the toolbars and status bars. Multiple port windows are arranged in Tile order.