CPU Utilization

You need to consider the following issues when you are using Test Terminal to send and receive data on multiple ports:



Note that when you send and receive test data it is displayed in the primary view for the port window. There is a trade-off between Test Terminal efficiency and response time when the primary view for a port window is actively displaying the test data. If you are running send and receive test data on multiple ports, you may want to switch to the secondary view for the port window if you are concerned about Test Terminal's use of CPU resources. The secondary view decreases the time required by the program to update the screen. To change all port windows to the secondary view, click the  button on the WCom2 - Windows Test Terminal window toolbar to switch all ports to the secondary view. (See Port Window for more information on the primary and secondary view.)


If you leave Test Terminal running, minimize or reduce the display area of the program. Doing so will help reduce the CPU requirements for updating the window.

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