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Version 2.2

   This release removes some bugs (see History) and adds a TITLE option
for list objects.  This much requested addition allows lists to have
titles (a string that remains at the top of the list).  Context
sensitive menus can now be created by simply defining a menu inside a
group definition.  An option (SPEC) has been added to the popasl and
poplist objects to allow specification of the popbutton object.  Also,
a parse routine has been written to replace the builtin parse routine
in MUI.  This effectivily allows for arbitrary length command lines (up
to the limit imposed by `ARexx').

   Note that as of this release I am now making `MUIRexx' "supportware",
that is if you would like to show your support for further development
(and also enhance the prospect of getting support) then please consider
registering (see Registration).