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Version 2.1

   This release is a minor update to version 2.0 (see Version 2.0).
Changes / additions include a more general `view' command (HELP, NODE
options as well as settable attributes), and new commands -
`aslrequest' that allows use of a standard ASL file requester within
scripts and `poplist' for creation of string gadgets with attached
popup lists.  Virtual groups are now supported (through the addition of
the `group' options SCROLL and VIRTUAL) The `image' object has been
changed and icon images (specified with the ICON option) now use an
external MUI class (which is included and must be installed).  Also,
the `list' command has been extended for better list handling.  General
improvements have been made including nonvolatile TAG string values
(strings passed as TAG values are stored in allocated memory), string
arrays for TAG values, and string formatting (`\n' for carriage
returns and `\xxx' for octal specification of characters).

   Additionally, the previous documentation neglected to mention a
feature of the `list' object supporting multicolumn lists.  Strings
inserted into lists may consist of several strings separated with
commas.  If the `list' is given a format (with the LIST_FORMAT
attribute TAG) then these strings will be displayed in the appropriate
column (as defined by the format).