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Version 3.0

   This version of `MUIRexx' is a major update from the previous
version. I decided to designate this release a major update since some
significant changes have been made that will require changes to
existing scripts.  I again apologize for any inconvenience this causes.
 One of the biggest changes is the addition of the callhook command
that provides more flexibility in defining gadget actions.  A
consequence of this new command is the removal of the PRESS, APP, DROP
options from gadget commands which will necessitate changes in existing
scripts.  Also, most LABEL options are now final arguments and as a
consequence labels will no longer require double quoting.

   The major changes and additions include:

   * Added callhook command

   * Removed PRESS,APP,DROP options from all other commands

   * Removed COMMAND option from group command

   * Removed TRIG VAL options from object command

   * switch objects can now have primary and alternate labels

   * Added REMOVE option to list object to allow removal of specific

   * Empty groups (and windows) no longer cause crashes

   * Groups can now be added dynamically to other groups

   * Added new group POP option for creation of popup groups

   * Added monitor command to open/close console for display of
     received command lines and error information

   * Added print command to output text to the console opened by the
     monitor command (useful for debugging purposes)

   * Added capability to specify inline commands (i.e. ARexx string
     macros) for objects (see Command-Port Options)

   * Literal strings (strings created by prepending with an '=') are no
     longer returned with the prepended equals (see list)

   * Added SPEC option to button, text, and switch objects

   * check and image object options changed (they are now specific
     instances of the text object)