WarpUp (436/442)

From:Steffen Haeuser
Date:31 Dec 99 at 00:23:22
Subject:Re: [warpup] Re: powerpc with libraries, devices and resources?

owner-warpup-list@haage-partner.com wrote :


>>cards only 32 Bit. Due to my experience my 150 MHz 604 card is *usually* at
>>the same speed like a 240 MHz 603 card. Of course it depends on the programs
>>which are used.

ow> oki, I wondered what caused the "slowness"... ;)

Well, the 32 Bit Memory Access definitely. To transfer large amounts of data
takes the half time with 64 Bit Memory access, told quite a bit simplified. So
programs which depend MUCH on memory-speed (for example SNES-Emulators, to
name just one example...) run much slower on the A1200 Boards. At one point i
became very happy mails by owners of A4000 PPC Boards "how fast" my WarpSNES
would be, and absolutely disappointed mails by owners of A1200 PPC Boards "how
slow" it would be... perfect example...

I was also told by a hardware engineer, though, that the whole thing would
have been a place problem... the guy told me he could not see any way how
Phase 5 could have stuffed in a 64 Bit Memory Bus in a Not-Tower-Case'ed A1200.

ow> The main thing that I'm concerned about is that the so called 68k
ow> emulator they are talking about isn't good enough to run Dopus5...
ow> Wether it's running on top of AmigaOS or QNX isn't importnant as
ow> long as it runs...

I think it is quite sure this emulator is UAE. Even more sure than before,
now, after the only people who MIGHT do software for Phase 5 (Frank Mariak and
Ralph Schmidt) are now doing their own thing, instead of working on software
for Phase 5... P5 basically has the hardware guys left, what means if they
ever ship these Boards, they will ship them with what QNX gives them (if QNX
makes the Neutrino PPC) and that sounds like QNX+UAE... Of course one could
argue that UAE+Picasso96 IS good enough for DirOpus...

But i suggest all people who disagree with this UAE-stuff few to state their
disagreement in private email... i am only judging from the facts, and fact is
without programmers you can't do a 68k Emulation.

Steffen Haeuser