WarpUp (435/442)

From:Frank Wille
Date:30 Dec 99 at 22:57:04
Subject:Re: [warpup] Quake Status...

Oliver Dittrich wrote:

> i just want to know what's the status of the quake porting project (i.e.
> when could we expect a first compile,

I think a first version will be available for beta-testers only in
1-2 days (we have still thursday :).

> is there a ftp/www server where to get the actual sources

No. The sources will be released on Aminet, together with the first
official Quake/QW release. Not earlier.

> (and will i be able to compile them with vbcc??),

Most definitely. Quake is mainly compiled with vbcc. Steffen makes
sure that StormC works too. We hope to support other compilers as
well (egcs would be nice for a fast PowerUp port).

> when will minigl be finished...)

It will take some more days, I think. Thomas Frieden is very busy.
But better ask him yourself.

> Questions over questions, but i'm really hot to see that thingy on amiga
> 8)

Quite understandable. I played my first Amiga-QuakeWorld match on
the internet yesterday, after I found the mapcheck-bug (a bug in
QW itself, because they never tested it on big-endian machines). QW
is very nice! The response times are a lot better, even with high
ping rates.

_ Frank Wille (frank@phoenix.owl.de)
_ // http://home.owl.de/~frank/
\X/ Phx @ #AmigaGer