WarpUp (437/442)

From:Steffen Haeuser
Date:31 Dec 99 at 00:29:05
Subject:[warpup] Quake Status...

owner-warpup-list@haage-partner.com wrote :


ow> i just want to know what's the status of the quake porting project (i.e.
ow> when could we expect a first compile, is there a ftp/www server where to
ow> get the actual sources (and will i be able to compile them with vbcc??),
ow> when will minigl be finished...)

It is "very far" and with some luck you can get both Binary and source code in
a *first version* in a few days, or latest maybe a week. Without any
guarantees, of course :)))

Developement is being
done on the vbcc compiler (vbcc-WarpUP and vbcc-PowerUP, for supporting both
kernels). Frank and me did some changes recently, so that the whole thing
should also work on StormC.
But if you use vbcc, it
will definitely compile. And on a future version hopefully support for all
three (vbcc-WarpUP, StormC PPC and vbcc-PowerUP).

The problem is not actually the C-part of the compiler, but that the two
compilers use different Syntax for ASM Code.

Steffen Haeuser