WarpUp (330/442)

From:Sam Jordan
Date:19 Dec 99 at 23:39:39
Subject:Re: [warpup] Re: Something about G3/G4 cards

Am 19-Dez-99 schrieb Kolbj�rn Barmen:

>> Sure, the emulator itself doesn't need anything else than a kernel
>> running. But this doesn't help at all for the POP boxes, because
>> AOS simply doesn't run on such hardware yet, neither directly nor using
>> 68k (CPU-only) emulation.

>How do you do it on current boards?

>bootstrapper loads warpup with m68k emul, machine reboots now using
>m68k emul, while real m68k is turned off?

Actually not the emulator is started first, but WarpOS is booted.
It actually boots just like it does in normal mode, with some small
differences to reflect the special situation. Once WarpOS is loaded
it spawns a PPC task called 'Emulator', which then starts emulating
at $f80002. Later in the startup-sequence the connection between
emulated 68K and PPC is established by launching some helper tools.
>From this point the system basically behaves just like our systems

Currently I don't switch the 68K off, but do let it process the AMIGA
interrupts (STOP between the interrupts). Surely the board itself knows
how to redirect interrupts to the PPC, but right now I don't like to
bother with this stuff, as my CSPPC is only a dev platform, not a
production platform for the software. I have really enough to do
right now with other stuff.


Sam Jordan ______
eMail: s.jordan@haage-partner.com _______ / \
sam_jordan@spin.ch (private) ()_______) / \
| (__ / NCC \
Also at HAAGE & PARTNER PowerPC | __| 1701-D |
development section __|_(__ \ /
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We develop to WarpUP the AMIGA! \______/