WarpUp (331/442)

From:Kolbj�rn Barmen
Date:19 Dec 99 at 23:46:45
Subject:Re: [warpup] WarpUp ML Guidelines

On Fri, 17 Dec 1999, Sam Jordan wrote:

[ML guidelines]

You forgot the one about not using annoyingly large signatures with lame
ascii drawings of nude women, starships or similar. ;)

Kolbj�rn Barmen | a3k/o6o/6o4e/AmigaOS/MacOS/LinuxPPC | // T e a m
<kolla@nvg.org> | a12ooCT/o3o/Linux-m68k a6oo/o3o/AmigaOS | \XX/ A M I G A
Nettverksgruppa | "I met the Amiga and fell in love..." | <amiga.nvg.org>