WarpUp (329/442)

From:Sam Jordan
Date:19 Dec 99 at 23:38:59
Subject:Re: [warpup] Re: other WarpOS problems

Am 20-Dez-99 schrieb Franck DEROUAULT:

>>> You probably are wrong because the CS 233 are not the only cards involved
>>> in overclocking but are the only that seem to be affected by the LR bug:
>>> I own a "BPPC" sold as a 603e+ at 160Mhz and in fact if the processor is
>>> actually rated at 160 Mhz by motorola, PPCtool on the P-UP side return
>>> 175Mhz and PPC Info gives me 176.6 for Warp up.
>> I don't know exactly what 'PPC info' means here, but the 'showinfo'
>> tool basically should never give odd values for the clock frequency.
>> Does it really?
>OOOps I've type too fast. I was obviously talking about the "showinfo" tool
>and I didn't say it was returning odd value.

176.6 *is* odd... and I now understand how it happened, the internal
correction algorithm for clock frequency measurement isn't right for
this case. I'm probably going to fix that.


Sam Jordan ______
eMail: s.jordan@haage-partner.com _______ / \
sam_jordan@spin.ch (private) ()_______) / \
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Also at HAAGE & PARTNER PowerPC | __| 1701-D |
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