AmigaOS3.5 (179/968)

From:Fredrik Zetterlund
Date:7 Jan 2000 at 06:51:31
Subject:Re: MCPRamLibpatch (was: 2 things)

Hello Don

On 07-Jan-00, you wrote:

> On 06-Jan-00, Fredrik Zetterlund wrote:

>> One could add:
>> LoadResource MUI:Libs/#?.library lock
>> In the MUI-part of user-startup to avoid the problem in a 'nicer' way

> Can you explain to us what that does? Why does it avoid the stack
> problem?

Well, when running any program from wb-startup the procedure goes like this
(kind of):
1. WB loads one program
2. WB starts the program and loads the next.
3. while WB is loading the second program the first program is opening its

If you have a bunch of programs in wbstartup, you can see that some of he
programs may be opening their librarys at the same time (Well, not the
*exact* same time, but while xxx.library loads, another program could open
it) and thereby causing some stress to RamLib.

By using Loadresource, you load librarys (in this case) one by one and
'lock' them in memory so they wont disappear with a 'flush'. This time when
programs in wbstartup opens a lib, Ramlib doesn't have to load the lib
'cause it's already in memory...

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