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Installing and Configuring ORS > Configuring your program settings > How to configure default thresholds

How to configure default thresholds
In Observer Reporting Server, the default thresholds are pre-configured, so additional setup is rarely needed. If necessary, you can change them to better reflect your network conditions.
To change the default thresholds:
Choose Options > Program Settings. The Observer Reporting Server Settings window appears.
Click the Configure Default Thresholds button. The Threshold Configuration window appears.
Understanding thresholds
Thresholds are defined values that determine if a statistic is above, below, or within a nominal range on your network.
To calculate this, the difference between your current and past trending data is compared against the threshold value.
Thresholds are used when displaying colors in reports. Anything below the marginal threshold is green, anything between the marginal and critical threshold is yellow and anything above the critical threshold is red.