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Installing and Configuring ORS > Configuring your program settings > How to configure general settings

How to configure general settings
General program settings can greatly affect Observer Reporting Server. Become familiar with their location and uses.
Choose Options > Program Settings. The Observer Reporting Server Settings window appears.
(Optional) Use the Log Window Settings tab to control what messages appear in the log window.
Ask for confirmation when exiting: Leave enabled if you want ORS to request confirmation when closing the program. Disable it if you want to close the program without confirming.
Disable GigaStor drill down reporting : Select this option if you want to prevent reports from being able to descend into a GigaStor report.
Disable IP address DNS resolution: Enable this setting to prevent resolving IP addresses to their DNS names.
Disable logging of report viewing event: Enable this setting to prevent logging the times and users that view log reports.
Disable NetLive monitoring: By default, ORS contacts each probe or Observer analyzer every 20 seconds for NetLive data. This may create too much network traffic for you.
Enable Super Groups for enterprise Business Group scalability: Enable this setting to unlock Super Groups functionality.
Show manufacturers’ names: Displays the manufacturer’s name of the device when it can be determined.
Use gradient graph rendering: Enabled by default. Disabling this option may slightly reduce the size of report files.