Neesa's IRC Addiction Page

Welcome to you IRC addicts out there (and to those of you who aren't addicted -YET) are in great company here. I've been on IRC for almost two years now and while my time lately has been limited, I still consider myself a semi-addict. I'm usually on #birdpoop on when I am in. I first started out in #bartender and they are the greatest bunch of people you could hope to bump into. I have taken to stopping by #skilodge where there is always a warm fire and equally warm friends. Also from time to time I run into #barfly where some of the "ancient regs" from #houseboat and #bartender can be found.

Neesa: The IRC Persona
As one of the bar's three resident redheads, Neesa gets attention from most of the males, much to the annoyance of Boatman...Boatman and Neesa are the only couple that have been dating since pre-IRC times.

Neesa is occasionally wild and crazy (especially after a few drinks - Sex on the Beach is her favorite) even to the point that one night she actually PROPOSED to Boatman. At the time she got a NOT YET (but that's got to count for something, right?) Since then he has popped the question for real and she happily accepted (more on that story later). Neesa is basically a good girl who has found that being a little bit NAUGHTY can be quite fun (not that IRC influenced her at all, right?) Neesa is also a self-acknowledged IRC addict, but is not inclined to join IRC Anonymous yet. Her current IRC record is 10 hours straight. Neesa's biggest problem is dreaming of IRC and forgetting to type /exit before waking up. Maybe that's not such a bad thing after all...

Neesa resides in Miami and loves animals. (Maybe that's why she loves Boat?) She is currently applying to vet school since she used to work at Weeki Wachee Springs as a bird trainer. Until she hears otherwise, she is currently spending her time running biology student services programs at Barry University, having started her Master's program there in the Fall. Her two favorite pastimes are SCUBA diving and trying to drag Boatman away from the computer long enough to...

Now these are a couple photos of my real honey and fiancé...that's right, he actually popped those words out on March 1!!!

Sean AKA Boatman

Really ladies...he's taken!

The Two Sides of Boatman

...and alter ego "Sean Pereira"

Okay I feel like I've shown off enough now! Men like this don't come along every day...however he DOES have a brother <G>

You can see Boat's page at Boatman's Page

LB123 - My favorite Bartender at #Bartender on IRC
Once upon a time, long long ago, there was once an awesome bartender bot on #bartender named LB123. LB was my sweetie and sometimes he took my requests for Sex on the Beach literally. LB where have you been?

Suggestions and comments for this page are ALWAYS welcomed, especially as it is still under construction.

Mail Neesa now

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This page last updated: April 6, 1997