Neesa's Photo Gallery

I hope to eventually have links to various areas including photos I've taken, but for now all that's here is the photo gallery of some of my favorite shots. To make things a bit easier I've divided my dive and travel photos into categories by location.

I've been applying to Vet School and in the course of my interviews will soon have MUCH to add, six interviews in different states causes MUCH traveling...

Photos from diving and travels to:



The Florida Keys
Colorado Springs, Colorado
New Orleans, Louisiana
Detroit, Michigan
Shiner, TX
Flowerpot Island, Tobermory, Canada
West End, Bahamas
Cozumel, Mexico
Niagara Falls, USA and Canada

Shiner, TX

Flowerpot Island, Tobermory, Canada
Sorry, no photos available yet

West End, Bahamas

The Florida Keys
Sorry, no photos available yet

Colorado Springs, Colorado


Cozumel, Mexico


Niagara Falls, Canada
Sorry, no photos available yet

New Orleans, LA, USA, #Bartender Gathering, October 1995

Detroit, Michigan - Detroit Zoo


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This page last updated: July 8, 1997