[Fast Friends logo]

[GPA-OC/LA logo]
Greyhound Pets of America
California--Orange County
& Greater Los Angeles
Fast Friends is the web page of Greyhound Pets of America/ California-- Orange County & Greater Los Angeles Chapter. To the right you'll find information to assist you if you're thinking about adopting a retired racing greyhound. You'll also find lots of information useful to those already owned by a greyhound. Check out what's NEW ON THIS SITE since your last visit. Call (714) 962-0789 or SEND EMAIL for more information about our organization or for an adoption application. Also, check out our SPONSOR AND AWARDS.

Main Index | The Adoption Process | GPA National | Q & A | History
Links | Adoption Pictorial | News | Calendar | Fostering | Volunteer
Newsletter | Walk of Fame | Renaissance Faire | Recent Events | Gift Catalog

You are visitor since March 13, 1997.

The Fast Friends Web Page is designed, maintained, and copyrighted by Jim Jeffers.
Send Jim a message.

Last Modified: 8/5/97