New on this Site

New as of August 5:
We announce more specific information about our September faire on the Renaissance Faire page.

New as of August 1:
See Breaking News for an update on the latest arrivals into foster homes and for a new Show and Tell site. You've seen the photo on the Gift Catalog page for some time now, but have wondered when you can order it. Well, the time is now! The "Renaissance Picnic" lithographs are finally in and ready to ship. Go to the Gift Catalog for information on how to place your order.

New as of June 20:
Two additions this week: "Iris" joins our Walk of Fame and, just in time for those hot summer months, the "Wet-Down Jacket" joins our Gift Catalog.

New as of June 10:
Fifteen dogs were brought into foster homes on May 31. Read about it in Breaking News. Also, the Calendar has been updated through August.

New as of May 24:
The March/April 1997 edition of Update, the monthly newsletter of GPA/CA--OC&GLA, is now online. Go to Newsletter to view it.

New as of May 15:
We're adding two new Show and Tell sites: Petsmart in Diamond Bar (May 31) and Petco in Los Angeles (June 7-8). Read about it in the Calendar.

New as of May 7:
Seventeen dogs were brought up from the track on May 6. The picnic was a big success. Read about it in Breaking News.

New as of April 30:
We wanted you to see a recent donation by Eastyn, owner of greyhound Sooner. Eastyn is one of our younger and more enthusiastic supporters. See a copy of her letter in the You Can Help! section, or click here.

New as of April 28:
Check out Breaking News for a recap of our hectic last weekend.

New as of April 23:
Check out Breaking News for info on the upcoming Picnic in the Park, our annual "meet those greyhounds" event. On the same page you can read about the Pet Expo, a recent trip to the farm, and an upcoming trip to bring dogs down to foster homes.

New as of April 7:
Check out Breaking News for info on the various activities of GPA this last weekend. And be sure to view our new Walk of Fame resident: Alex.

New as of March 26:
Check out Breaking News for reports of the latest greyhound "transfers." On the same page you'll see a touching tribute to GPA/CA--OC&GLA Placement Representatives Vic and Joanne Kalley by a recent greyhound adopter.

New as of March 13:
Our new domain name is official and functional! We are now Tell your friends and neighbors! Change your bookmarks and favorites listings!

Planning for the 1997 Hounds of Nobility Renaissance Faire continues apace. Our food court is set, Orange County has agreed to drop an electrical line for us so we won't need to use a generator again to run the food area, and vendors are lining up to come. We're looking into a variety of animal acts. We're talking to several other dog groups about demonstrating how dogs were used in a variety of roles in the Renaissance.

On Monday of this week, Karen Charpie-Elton, GPA/CA--OC&GLA chapter Vice President, appeared on a nationally syndicated show on the Family Channel called, "Home and Family." She talked about racing greyhound adoption efforts by our chapter and others. She gave out the national 800 referral number for greyhound placements, so hopefully this benefitted greyhound adoption efforts near you, wherever you are!

New as of March 10:
We've secured a new, reliable web site. WebIt, the web space provider company, has given us free space for our web page. Hurray! We expect this to be our home for the forseeable future, so please change your browser bookmark to We have also ordered a special domain name, and will inform you when it's activated (note: a bookmark of the new address above will still work).

New as of March 1:
We've had web server problems to deal with in the last month. But I've managed to make some changes to the web site nonetheless. The major change is a redesign of the Renaissance Faire page. I've rescanned the 96 Ren Faire photos and added new ones. At this point all of the photos for which I still have originals have been rescanned.