Events--A Photo Log]

Recent Events in the
Life of GPA/CA--OC&GLA

[South Bay Doggie Walk image]

"Paws for Life"
South Bay Doggie Walk

On April 5, 1997, a number of GPA/CA--OC&GLA volunteers participated in the "Paws for Life" South Bay Doggie Walk, sponsored by Wellness Community and Hospice Foundation. They enjoyed a beautiful day at Veteran Park in Redondo Beach, and answered lots of questions about greyhound adoption. Good going,folks! (Pictured: far left, Pat Lynch; second from right, Lynda Adame)

Renaissance Faire 96
Renaissance Faire 96, sponsored by Petco and Waltham Foods, was a big success. Choose one of three categories of photos below to see more of this event. A big thanks goes to Matt Adame for taking many of these pictures!


GPA Folks and Hounds


The Court of Queen Elizabeth



Medieval Times Jousting and Other Sites

1996 Puppy Shower

Shower 1]

On Sunday, June 23, 1996, we held a puppy shower for eight new puppies born to one of four greyhounds turned in to a Los Angeles area animal shelter. The shelter folks call us when they receive a greyhound so we can pick it up.

Shower 2]

Just a few days after we picked her up, "Julie" delivered these healthy, beautiful puppies by Caesarean section. One is a light brindle; the others are all white, or black and white. Because of the C-section and the costs of fostering eight pups for seven to eight months, we wanted to give our people a chance to donate to the cause.

Shower 3]

Carol swears that these guys are holy terrors most of the day: sweet, loving, but each full of enough life for any two pups. But as you can see from these photos, by the time I got there all the playing with visitors had worn them out. Carol was happy for that!

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