Ferret Photo Gallery copyright

This compilation, including the Photo Gallery index or "jump page," the Gallery pages, and all photos and thumbnails "pointed to" by those pages, is copyright © 1994-1997 by Pamela L. Greene. As a collection, it may not be copied or redistributed in any form (other than via HTTP from its server, but let's not split hairs) without prior written permission.

Individual photos remain the property of their owners and may be copyrighted by them. A small number of photos from this Gallery may be used for non-commercial purposes with the permission of their individual owners. That is, you don't need my permission to use one or two of these photos on your non-commercial WWW page or in your non-profit club newsletter, but you do need permission from the owner. Email me to get the owner's address. In any case, images may not be downloaded or copied from this Gallery for any commercial purpose without permission from both me and the photographs' owners.

Anyone who wishes to is encouraged to include a link to the main Index page of the Photo Gallery wherever it might be appropriate.

And now...

Up: Photo Gallery jump page
Copyright© 1997 by Pamela Greene <pgreene@optics.rochester.edu>.
Last modified: 26 Feb 1997.