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Science Fiction - Science Fact

Dateline: 12/27/97

Science - The study and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena in an orderly way; knowledge acquired through experience.

Fiction - Something that is created or imaginary; a literary work that is produced by the imagination and not based on fact.

Fact - Something that actually occured or exists; something that has real and demonstratable existence; actuality.

Webster's Dictionary

If science is a fact which actually exists, and fiction is something created or imaginary, where does science fit into science fiction?

Science does play a role in science fiction. Science makes the fictional story much more believable. But this doesnÆt make it a fact. People are interested the future. They are interested in how science will change the way that we live. We can never really say exactly what it will be like. Science fiction is one way to imagine the future.

About 100 years ago H.G. Wells was writing about science fiction. He wrote about time machines, men on the moon and an invisible man. His book War of the Worlds was made into a radio drama, performed on Halloween night in 1938. Many people tuned in after they said "This is only a story", so they thought that Martian aliens were attacking Earth. Even though it was a fictional story, they thought it was a fact. This kind of misunderstanding could cause a lot of problems!

In the 1930's the comic book and radio show super hero arrived. DC Comics published Superman and Batman, more than sixty years later they are still popular. The hero list has grown over the years, many people enjoy reading about a hero with super human abilities.

In the 1950Æs science fiction movies became popular. The Day the Earth Stood Still was a story about aliens coming to earth. The alien, Klaatu comes to earth with an important message to save the earth. The people from earth prepared to war with the alien. Finally the message was delivered "We The Beings of the Universe, have invented a Race of Robots to govern the Planets and act as our Police. In matters of aggression, we have given them absolute power over us. This power cannot be revoked. At the first signs of violence, they act automatically against the aggressor. The penalty for provoking their action is too terrible to risk."

In the 1960's science fiction explored space travel, 2001: A Space Odyssey was a journey in space travel. The successful moon landing of Apollo 11 in 1969, proved that space travel wasn't science fiction anymore.

Star Wars was the sci-fi event of the 1970's. Villains and heroes travelled the galaxy. Followed by The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, space movies with spectacular special effects remain to be favorites with Sci-Fi fans.

Today science fiction is popular on television. The X-Files combines science and the FBI, aiming to make the stories even more believable. Space travel is still popular with the Star Trek series and spinoff's, and people still wonder what it will be like living in the future.

Science fiction stories, television and movies can be fun, scary and very interesting. But it's always best to remember the difference between science fiction and science fact!

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