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International Laboratory

Dateline: 05/09/98

Hello Aloha Jambo Konnichiwa Hola

The International Lab is a feature I hope to develop in the coming weeks and months. KidScience readers come from a wide geographic area and I believe our Lab will help us to learn about what we have in common and what is different about the different locations where we live. I know many of you will have some great ideas for our ongoing projects, and I invite you all to share these at the lab. Some topics could include, insects, plants or animals , climate change, urban and rural areas.

Want to Learn More About Each Other?

How much do you know about kids in your town or city? In another state, country or continent? We can learn about how different climates and environments are important for the types of clothing we wear, or the homes we live in. How about food? Do we all eat the same foods, in the same way? We all like toys, games and having fun. Perhaps we can learn new games and ways of having fun.

Exploring our Cultures

Our culture is the different things we believe in. How can we learn about cultures other than our own? We can learn about other cultures through discovering everyday objects and things through sharing. We can start a collector's club and exchange coins, stamps, postcards and other things.

Our Families

Are families the same everywhere? We can discover ways that people express love in their families in many ways.


We all need an education to do well in our world. How would schools be different in different part of the world?

Celebrations and Holidays

Why do we celebrate? We all enjoy a special holiday; let's share them and we will have even more to celebrate!

The Global Village

We all have the same home and caring for the earth is everyone's responsibility. How do you think we can work together to make our home a better place to live in?

What Do You Think?

These are just a few ideas that I can think of. I know that you will have many more. Let's Work together and build our own International Laboratory!

Lately I have been getting many questions about science and nature. I enjoy helping you with your homework and projects. I have had some problems when replying. Often the message bounces back because of an error in the Email address. If you have a question you need answered, it is better to post it to the bulletin board. This way you will be sure to get your answer.

Science/Nature for Kids Bulletin Board

Resources for this feature inspired by:
The Global Village
Karen Bauer and Rosa Drew
Creative Teaching Press, Inc.
Cypress, CA, 1994

1998 Features
1997 Features


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