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Flying Creatures

Dateline: 04/12/97

Birds, bats, and bugs. These are just some of the amazing flying creatures. How do they do it? This week we'll take a close look at natural fliers.

Flying - A Very Natural Occurrence - An introduction to gliding flight and true flight.

Answers for Curious Minds - How do birds fly? How fast do birds fly? What makes a bird a bird. These questions and more!

Archaeopteryx - The prehistoric bird - These Jurassic birds show us that flying creatures have been around for a very long time.

Honey Bee Trivia - Amazing facts about honey bees.

Beekeeping: The Beekeepers Home Pages - Are you interested in becoming a beekeeper?

Mosquitoes - The world of the misunderstood mosquito

Bats: Mother Nature's Bug Patrol - What do these little bats like for dinner?

Bats - Bats, bats, and more bats. A directory of different bat species.

Bat Quiz - How much do you know about bats?

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