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Oceans & Seas

Dateline: 04/05/97

Oceans are important to life on earth. They affect the climate, provide food, energy, oxygen, and minerals. Over 70 percent of the earth's surface is covered by the oceans and seas. The Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and Arctic Oceans are the largest. There are many smaller seas, and gulfs and bays which form part of them.
Let's take a tour of some great places to learn more about the oceans.

Oceans and the Climate
What is the El Nino? - How is this tropical Pacific Ocean atmosphere disruption influencing weather around the world?
El Nino Scenario - Learn about the history of the El Nino.

Oceans and Food
Ocean Food Chain - Earth and Sky, on the web of life in the sea. Read the transcript or listen with RealAudio.
A Marine Food Web - Learn about the members of the interconnected marine food chain.

Marine Life
Safari Touch Tank - The interactive marine tank. Choose a creature to learn about.
Ocean Facts
Ocean and Ocean Life Factoids - Facts about size, marine life and more.
What are Tides? - Learn how the sun and moon affect the tides.
Fishing for Facts - Facts about marine animals.
Biggest, Smallest, Fastest, Deepest: Marine Animal Records - Record breaking facts!

Oceans and Technology
Down to the Sea in Robots - tiny robots are teaching us about the ocean.
Oceanography from the Space Shuttle - We can learn much by studying the ocean from space. This directory has lots of images to choose from.
Exploring Satellite Oceanography - an introduction for high school students.

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