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Science! What's It All About?

Dateline: 03/30/97

Our world is a very interesting place. People have always wondered how things work. Scientists have been asking questions and making discoveries for thousands of years. How does a question or idea become a scientific fact?

The Scientific Method

Scientific method is a plan in which:
  • we observe what is happening
  • we predict what might happen next
  • we test our predictions under controlled conditions
  • we try to understand what we have observed
Sometimes we make many mistakes, and our predictions are not true. This is a part of science too. Even when our prediction seems true it may not be. Every science fact can be proven to be wrong. By challenging what we believe to be true we make new discoveries!
Here are some interesting places to learn more:
  • Experimental Science Projects: An introductory Level Guide.
  • Science Project Guideline
  • Bad Science - When nonsense masquerades as science.

    Update: How is your bean plant growing?
    Did you notice that when the beans started to soak up the water they got fatter? It didnÆt take long to see some changes.
    First a little root began to grow and before long the stem reached up out of the cup and tiny leaves began to grow.
    As soon as your bean plants have tiny leaves it is ready for a new home!

    Now it is time for a pot and soil. Carefully plant your beans in the pots and watch what happens.
    The bean plant will begin to make food from the soil, water, and sunshine.
    Take good care of your plant and before long flowers will appear. Those flowers will turn to bean pods.
    When they are ripe you can have them with your dinner, or dry them in the sun and start more bean plants!

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