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Groundhog Day

Dateline: 1/30/98

On February 2 weÆll be watching a furry friend to forecast the weather. ItÆs up to Punxsutawney Phil to let us know if spring is on the way, or if winter will be with us for awhile yet. And how will Phil be able to tell if spring is on the way? If he comes out of his burrow into the bright sunshine and sees his own shadow, heÆll scurry back underground again. Then we can expect six more weeks of winter. If the day is cloudy, and Phil doesnÆt see his shadow then spring is on its way!

A groundhog predicting the weather! How did this all start?

In 1887, the members of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club in Pennsylvania have watched for the first appearance of Phil. PhilÆs ability to predict the weather actually came from Germany. In the mid 18th century German immigrants brought the tradition to the United States.

Even before Phil became a celebrity February 2 was a holiday. A very old holiday, which is based on astronomy. February 2 is about halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. In England, this day is celebrated as Candlemas Day.

"If Candlemas Day be fair and bright, winter will have another fight. But be it dark with clouds and rain, winter is gone and will not come again."
Old English Rhyme

On Candlemas Day in Germany there is another saying, "A shepherd would rather see a wolf enter his stable on Candlemas Day than see the sun shine." It is said that a German badger would watch for his shadow.

Is the groundhog always right. Not exactly, the National Geographic Society did a study and found he was correct only one out of three times. It still is fun to wait for Phil and see what he does and celebrate old traditions of long ago.


Phil saw his shadow at 7:20 A.M. Six more weeks of winter!

More About Groundhogs

Punxsutawney Phil - Phil's official home on the Web.

Punxsutawney Phil's Story - A history lesson about Groundhog Day and Punxsutawney Phil.

Groundhog Day Predictions - Year by year report, when did Phil see his shadow?

Hogtivities - A complete guide to what's happening on Groundhog Day.

Great Willie of Wiarton - In Canada, Willie of Wiarton predicts the weather.

Woodchuck - Groundhogs are also known as woodchucks.

The Groundhogs at Hog Haven - Here you will find Groundhogs galore and other wildlife that hang out near Lums Pond State Park. Lums Pond is located near the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal in Bear, Delaware.

Signs of Spring

Tulips - Tracking tulips, when will they bloom in your garden?

Signs of Spring - Students and kids from across the nation are watching for signs of spring.

Colors of Northwest Spring Gardens - Spring gardens bring color to the season.

Groundhog Day information is from Earth and Sky. February 2, 1996.

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