Set Geometric Constraint

Geometric constraints on points can be set in the Setup page to improve the accuracy of 3D computation. Here are the steps to setup a constraint by selecting a group of points.

  1. Select the Constraint subpage in the Setup Page of the Main Window.

  2. Select the desired constraint type. You can view all the different types of constraints by clicking on the button next to "Type".

  3. To create a new constraint, type in a name in the "Name" field and press the key.

  4. To create a new constraint, type in a name in the [Name] field and press "Enter" key. To select an existing constraint to edit, double-click on a constraint in the listbox. When a constraint is selected, all its points are highlighted in all the Image windows.

  5. Change the weight: This step is usually not required, and the default weight value 1.0 is suitable for general constraints. The weight reflects the strength of the current constraint comparing to other constraints when a conflict occurs.

  6. Edit points in the constraint:

  7. A constraint can be deleted by using the "Delete" button in the Setup page.

Misusing and incorrectness of the geometric constraints may lead to large computation error and even a computation failure. See Tips for Setting Geometric Constraint for more information.