Edit Patch Object

Photo4D provides an object type, i.e., Patch, that enable users to quickly build a surface mesh containing a large number of triangles:

  1. Select the Model page in the Main Window and then the Patch subpage in the Model page.
  2. To create a new patch object, type in a name in the "Current Object" field in the Model page and press . This starts the process for creating a new Patch object: Photo4D will first pop up a dialog box asking for a working image. A patch object can only use points that appears in one image. Therefore, users need to specify which image to use for the new patch. Then, another dialog box will pop up asking for a texture image. If there is no need for texture mapping, press the "Cancel" button in the dialog. Otherwise, select an image and press "Ok".
  3. Select points in the working image that will be used for the patch.

The "Preview" button in the Model page of the Main Window will update the newly created patch in the Preview window.

The Patch object provides a way to exclude any un-wanted triangles from its triangle mesh.


To create 3D models, users have to first mark all the feature points and compute their (x,y,z) coordinates. All the points that will be used in a model should be valid, i.e., their 3D coordinates properly computed.